That’s the name of the video “Good News – Windows 7.” The little kid is called Kelly and she believes “seven” is a happy word – it does stand for “togetherness” in China though so maybe that’s the underlying message here – “with Windows 7, we’re together again and I’m stealing your soul.”
At the same time I feel I must point out I just downloaded iTunes 9, at almost 90mb it’s starting to feel more like an OS than a music player, where’s iTunes Lite? Which then leads on nicely to Apple’s latest OS 3.1 for the iPhone, another beautiful idea from Apple in the form of security when syncing with Microsoft Exchange, until the latest OS all iPhone’s could sync with Exchange even if it required hardware security; that is no longer the case now as anything before the 3GS doesn’t truly support this requirement and will now no longer work with any exchange server that requires it – Apple’s response to this? “Tell your administrator to lower the security requirements” – I kid you not. You can read more here. This is yet another reason I’m happy I don’t have an iPhone, I love owning my own phone and not renting like Apple basically make you do. If I don’t like something on my phone, I change it and am allowed to without fear of my phone being bricked for breaking the ToS; if I want an app, I can download it from anywhere and install it without having to jailbreak my phone. But that’s my ranting over for now, until Apple do something else their sheeple will follow blindly.