I’m not sure what to think of this Lego® trailer for 50 Shades of Grey. I’ve found the whole 50 Shades Phenomenom to just fly by me and now even Lego® is in on it. I feel like this is missing some kind of humour that makes it Lego®. I’m all for Lego® to continue making parodies but this … Read More “50 Shades of (Lego®) Grey” »
Category: Random Stuff
Tolkien lore led a Texas boy to suspension after he brought his “one ring” to school. Kermit Elementary School officials called it a threat when the 9-year-old boy, Aiden Steward, in a playful act of make-believe, told a classmate he could make him disappear with a ring forged in fictional Middle Earth’s Mount Doom. “It … Read More “Texas boy suspended after bringing ‘ring of power’ to school – NY Daily News” »
This is the BEST way to scare people, dress a girl up like the girl from The Ring and just get her to stand in a regular hotel hallway. Win!
I must confess, I love Glee and for some reason after season one I stopped watching – must catch up on it. So how do you make a show like Glee even better? Simple, get them to do a Rocky Horror episode!
This isn’t really safe for work (considering the volume of F word usage) but it’s a more modern version of the classic “uses of the word f**k” flash, the longer you watch, the harder it is to just not laugh out loud. Originally from http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/458275
If you’ve not seen Kylie’s new video for “All the Lovers”, I’d certainly recommend watching it, it’s just so….well different; not in a “we expect different, it’s GaGa” way, in a “that’s not usually done in popular music” Unfortunately, the HD clip isn’t embeddable on Youtube so there’s a link to it below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frv6FOt1BNI And … Read More “Kylie Minogue – All the Lovers Video” »
Very smarty guy this, turned his tiny living space in a Honk Kong apartment into 24 unique rooms using sliding and folding walls. Makes maximum use of space for a batchelor!
Not sure who to credit this one to, but it certainly is a good one:
Yes, it’s finally happened, The Telegraph website made the typo when referring to the LHC: